About company
Management company "ENERGY DEVELOPMENT" is a single team of 9 partner enterprises that combine their resources into a single engineering complex.
- Engineering
- Design
- Construction and installation
- Modernization and repair
- Equipment manufacturing
- Commissioning

Market Experience - 85 years
1200 people - staff for 2019
28 completed projects over the past 3 years
600 units of special equipment and mechanisms
Scaling of the Smart Grid project to regional distribution networks of air execution of 6-15 kV of Yantarenergo JSC in the Kaliningrad region.
In 2017, the EnergoRazvitie Engineering Center, together with Tavrida Electric, successfully implemented the phase of the YantarEnergo Digital RES project.
- 3300 transformer substations were surveyed, 16 distribution stations covered, the total survey area of about 15,000 square meters. km;
- Assessed various communication channels at the facilities;
- Standard design solutions have been developed for inclusion in the unified energy monitoring system Yantarenergo.

Scaling of the Smart Grid project to regional distribution networks of air execution of 6-15 kV of Yantarenergo JSC in the Kaliningrad region.
In 2017, the EnergoRazvitie Engineering Center, together with Tavrida Electric, successfully implemented the phase of the YantarEnergo Digital RES project.
- 3300 transformer substations were surveyed, 16 distribution stations covered, the total survey area of about 15,000 square meters. km;
- Assessed various communication channels at the facilities;
- Standard design solutions have been developed for inclusion in the unified energy monitoring system Yantarenergo.

Purchases of UK “ENERGY DEVELOPMENT” on the electronic trading platform