About company

Management company "ENERGY DEVELOPMENT" is a single team of 9 partner enterprises that combine their resources into a single engineering complex.


  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Construction and installation
  • Modernization and repair
  • Equipment manufacturing
  • Commissioning

The company conducts work throughout Russia.

Engineering audit is aimed at improving the reliability and efficiency of the energy and technological equipment of the facilities for generation, transport, distribution of fuel and energy resources and optimizing their consumption.

The management company EnergoRazvitie is a comprehensive integrator of the most relevant and effective developments in the field of electric power.

Large projects are implemented in the form of a “soft” EPC contract, when the contractor searches for and offers the Customer the most acceptable technical solutions. The work is carried out on a turn-key basis, and the Management Company bears all responsibility for the project, while the Customer has the opportunity to influence the progress of work at any stage of the project.

Market Experience - 85 years
1200 people - staff for 2019
28 completed projects over the past 3 years
600 units of special equipment and mechanisms

Company customers and partners

Камаз энерго
Таврида электрик
Сетевая компания